Monday, 23 April 2012

Home Film School

Since I realized that film was what I wanted to do, I've been homeschooling myself as much as is possible with two young boys around. It hasn't been completely thorough I must admit, but I have been learning both first hand through little projects and also with books (Thank you Howard & Mabley, XP Media Bootcamp) as well as online with NYVS. Along this home educating journey I've had the privilege of visiting a film class at Concordia and I've been learning about framing and setting up shots through my own photography experimenting. I don't feel like a regular film student at all. During my visit to Concordia I was almost massacred by the other students when I admitted to not knowing the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark". So it was a classic I missed....along with another 90% of "must see" films I'm sure. Yet still, I feel God pushing me on in this schooling and He sometimes surprises last night. We saw the film "Hugo" which was totally unplanned. My parents showed up and we decided to go see something at the oh so classy Dollar Cinema. It was a family movie but I absolutely loved it. It was all about the beginning of film. I realized, those people who made movies at the very beginning didn't go to film school either... they invented the methods. They had fun and they were free to express in whatever way they wanted through this new magic called "film". This is how I feel seeing as I haven't been told by professors what I can or can't do. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to go to film school.....and I may have if I hadn't gotten pregnant when I did. But right now at this stage, I'm so elated to be on my own. And last night after the movie I felt God stirring my heart again about media. My father somehow managed to get us into the control room of the theatre and we had a personal explanation of how everything worked up there. Ha! It felt like a class trip. I was so excited I was bouncing while talking to Len on the way home and then, as I looked out my window my eye caught the huge Canon headquarters building. The second my eyes saw the "Canon" sign, it's lights came on and lit it up in bright red. Wow. What a hilarious moment. I took it as a smile from God.

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