Tuesday, 22 May 2012

My intelligent First Born

Just browsing through some old videos and found a few of my oldest son Titus. He was (and still is) one smart kid. In the video above he was 13 months old. He has always been so bright. And I know he is destined for greatness.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Dear Imaginary Friend

Hey! How's it going? I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

I'm writing this to you to tell you that you are actually a really crappy friend. I mean, you're so unrealistic and distant. You never speak to me out of your own free will. Do you even have a free will? I have done a really good job of making you into who you are. The least you could do is be real with me for once.

Okay, I admit it... I haven't really truly spoken to you since childhood....and even then... I don't really remember hanging out with you much at all if ever... But still. I need you now. So that's what this is about...my needs. So, I'll just come out with it...

I am super lonely! Like, the weird kind of lonely...people all around, but still alone. Feeling misunderstood. Feeling overwhelmed by my inability to be like...everyone else. How is it that they seem to be all the same? I get a ton of attention from all the things that are demanded of me, but to be listened to and poured into?....I'm pretty dry. But maybe that's just where I am...a dry place. So, old friend... feel like hanging out? I mean, you like all the things I like, right? You really want to hear everything I have to say? Really? Well, if you insist. And you want to hang out? Okay! Awesome! Oh, and you like art even? That's perfect! Let's  ride our pink motorcycles down to the water. We'll have a mini food picnic (With these mini cupcakes I made) and then jump off the dock into the sparkling rainbow water! What did you say? I have a perfect tan? Aww, thanks! Yeah, my tan is perfect because this is all imaginary. Now let's swim to the other side of the lake to that grassy sunny island, k? With the little hills and flowers. Then your Mom can make us sweet tea and we'll have everyone else over to hang out for the party.

Oh, you made me a cake? Oh! You shouldn't have. You even drew my face on it? Wow! It looks just like me! You are so much more talented than I am. What's that? A sleepover? Yes! I'm in. I just happen to have my ultra soft cushiony roll out bed and pillow. The stars sure are beautiful, aren't they? I wonder what they look like from heaven. Oh, you have a photo of that? Oh MY, so breathtaking. I so needed this time away from my boys. Wow, boys are crazy. They sure do love crazy craziness...and being...crazy. Sometimes I feel like ripping off my FACE. lol ...*awkward silence*.........Well, maybe just a little piece of it. It's a really good thing I love them as much as I do. Hey! Wanna go swimming? You go in first. Is it cold? lol! You look funny with your hair wet! Like a wet cat. LOL Well, I guess it's time to sleep. Ahh, this bed is so comfy.

Thanks for the good time, old friend.
